Sunday, 10 April 2011

Must Have Toys

Sitting in the cupboard under the stairs at home is a set of golf clubs I was given as a gift at Christmas. I love those clubs, though I’ve only played with them half a dozen times. In one of my cupboard drawers (though I’m not entirely sure which one) is a digital camera and let’s not forget the games systems plural, various other lads’ gadgets and generally metallic-looking gizmos. In short, I like buying and receiving cool- looking stuff though it often turns into dust-collecting junk, but am I unique in this trend? I’d say, hell no!

Women often get a bad rep for their indulgence in purchasing enough footwear to accommodate a sizeable army, but what about men and their need for gadgets? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying we shouldn’t be getting them, just to pause for a moment before we preach to others over their outlandish buying.

My latest impulse boys’ buy was a Nintendo Wii. It’s great fun and my excuse is that over £100 of the cost was covered by a mass of nectar points. It was certainly a better spending choice than the ill-fated road bike purchase of 2005…

Six years ago I ran the marathon (yes – once upon a time I was fit and healthy and even boasted a six pack). Having completed the arduous course in a very respectable time, I looked for a new challenge and someone suggested I complete a triathlon. I thought, why not? I’m not a great swimmer but I can get some coaching, the run will be a breeze, it is after all only 10km. The glitch was the cycling. I can ride a bike but the last time I did I was 11 and it was a BMX Burner.

Now most people on attempting their very first triathlon purchase/borrow a standard mountain bike, but oh no, not me! I headed off to a specialist triathlon shop and got myself, at quite considerable expense, a sleek, bespoke road bike. I remember it was silver. I honestly cringe, thinking back to my moment of madness. I got the bike home and was desperate to try it out, only to be horrified on finding I could barely keep it upright. It was like that scene in “Herbie Goes Bananas” where the baddy gets the loveable car drunk on Irish Coffee. Clearly some villain had intoxicated my shiny new road bike, because for the life of me I couldn’t get it to go in a straight line. In total I think I rode that expensive death trap 5 terrifying times around London until I found a much better use for it as a clothes’ horse in my bedroom. It served its function extremely well until the ill-fated night when we were burgled and the bike was whisked away. Not a day goes by when I don’t miss that clothes’ horse and I can only hope that wherever it is now it is happy.

I should point out that not all such purchases are foolish. In fact some of my treasured possessions could be categorised as lads’ gadgets. When I was 15 I had just started shaving and for my birthday my parents bought me a beautiful shaving set. It was cream and silver with mother of pearl finish. It was an incredibly beautiful classic set and I still remember the classy royal blue box packaging it came in; the feel of the tissue paper used to wrap each part of the set. I still have the shaving set 15 years on and I even use it on special occasions.

My philosophy is to have fun buying your gadgets and toys. Let’s face it, we work hard enough, we might as well enjoy our just rewards. But be prepared that not all you buy will last the test of time.

Have fun this weekend in the sun – maybe I should buy a boat for the summer…

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