Thursday, 21 April 2011

Olympic Dreams or Olympic Nightmares?

So everywhere you go now, there seems to be Olympic hype. Whether it’s billboards, radio, massive public screens or, if you work at Pall Mall Barbers, a massive clock counting down the seconds around the corner. I am of course referring to the Omega Olympic Clock in Trafalgar Square which famously froze last month. Don’t get me wrong, I’m excited about the games, though if this is the kind of bombardment we’re getting now in April 2011 what’s it going to be like in April 2012 let alone in June, July and August!

One of the things I love about the Olympics is that bizarre and obscure sports come to the forefront – especially if there’s a Brit in with a shout of a medal. You have a young British woman hoping for a silver or gold in Archery and you’ll probably hear the road workers talk about her strength at adjusting in high winds, but that her temperamental attitude doesn’t bode well in the long rounds. Let’s face it, growing up with Sir Steve Redgrave as an Olympic role model has meant every one aged between 15 and 50 seems to know all about a good catch, finish and drive for the line which are the essential elements for a champion rower. You put it like that and you make it sound so simple.

Of course it isn’t always the sport that makes us watch. I have been ridiculed for showing a more enthusiastic interest in cycling when Pendleton is competing and I’ll admit as a kid I had a bit of a crush on Denise Lewis… I know I’m not alone in this – watching the Sydney Olympics while at University my female flatmates seemed more interested in the Australian rowers’ tight tight Lycra than Big Steve’s historic 5th gold medal.

So with all these factors swirling round my head (well not the Australian lycra!) I went on the Olympic website yesterday to try and book some tickets for the once-in-a-lifetime show. Two hours later I logged off having not yet applied for any tickets at all! – Though the website is clear and easy to use, the strategies required would have a crack team of Napoleon, Rommel and Caesar dizzy with confusion! Having spoken with numerous people, I realise that everyone is attempting to ensure they receive their allotted tickets through all sorts of cross-betting, sweep-staking or safety first methodology. What makes matters worse is that the very events I want to go to are proving to be the most popular, namely; Track Cycling, Swimming and - who would believe it? - Beach Volley Ball. It’s times like this when I wish I had an obsession with the most obscure of sports like “long distance weight lifting” – but then that, for novelty sake, would probably be really popular. It’s crazy to think that having put my name forward for a potential £1,500 bill next month I might not get any tickets at all. The popular strategy - and this is only if you have the capital - is to buy £10,000 worth of tickets and then sell the ones you get that you don’t want on the ticket swap site. Call me bitter but that doesn’t sound particularly fair to me…

So – let me know what your choice event is at – personally if it’s got Pendleton partaking I’m there! Though that beach volleyball competition in Horse Guards’ Parade is supposedly full of extremely talented athletes as well!

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